Did you know you have more than one birthday a year? You could be missing an "incredible" birthday right now!
When is your Venus, Mars, or Jupiter birthday? When do you turn 5,000,000 minutes old? Life is short, why just celebrate once a year? Just provide your original birth date, and discover all your upcoming special dates!
- Ultimate birthday reminder app
.- Wish your friends, family, anniversary, cat, dog, & acquaintances a "Happy Incredible Birthday"!
- Celebrate other special dates like an anniversaries, graduations, more than just once a year!
- Notifications/reminders
- Add friends & family, and get fractional birthdays (e.g. "Ted is 1/2 the age of Beth today")
AKA: Incredible Birthday Machine, Incredible Birthday Generator, Unbirthday Machine, Chronarium
Related - age calculator, astronomy, birthday calculator